Senin, 01 September 2008

Contoh E-mail SCAM 3: Email dari PELAKU atas permintaan Paspor

Berikut Contoh e-mail jawaban atas permintaan Paspor kepada PELAKU.

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From: "" <> -->
PERHATIKAN E_MAIL PELAKU, lakukan pencarian sederhana melalui Google dan dapatkan lihat hasilnya disini -> Email tsb sudah teridentifikasi sebagai SCAMMERS!
To: xxx
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:49:32 PM
Subject: Re: My passport honey

Hi honey,
I went thru a great deal of stress to get you this took me several hours.But its here now..I know you feel very Uncomfortable about the situation and at this point i dont think they is anything more i can say to you to make u see more reasons..Maybe because of the anxiety in me right now..I cant explain more than i have already done.But i just want you to bear in mind that everything is real and as long as you can follow the instructions here..I am sure that everything will be just fine..
I love you..thats my true feeling and i want you to know that i will never ever do anything to hurt you..Honey, am sorry abt the stress i imposed on you..Its never my intention and i am ready to do everything to make things right..cant wait to be with you honey..U mean so much to me..
Love you,

(Catatan foto & Nama yang ada bukan benar-benar data pelaku namun dapat berasal dari korban lainnya).

Kejanggalan yg ada :
- Foto di Passport harus tegak lurus badan
- Khusus Passport America harus memiliki background berwarna putih/terang (setiap negara menetapkan standard yang berbeda, Anda harus mencari tahu di situs kedutaan/konsulat masing-masing).
- Resolusi Foto dan passport berbeda

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